Installing GridAPPS-D

1. Clone the GridAPPS-D Docker repository

Disconnect from your corporate/laboratory VPN (if applicable) and open the Ubuntu terminal:


Clone the GridAPPS-D repository:

git clone


2. Install the GridAPPS-D Docker Containers

Change directories into the gridappsd-docker folder and start the latest stable release of the GridAPPS-D platform.

  • cd gridappsd-docker

  • ./

It is possible to specify a particular release tag using the -t option and the release tag

  • ./ -t develop - use the develop branch with latest beta features

  • ./ -t releases_2021.03.0 - use the March 2021 release

  • ./ -t releases_2020.09.0 - use the September 2020 release

A complete set of release is available in the associated readthedocs page


Wait for the platform to download the required docker containers. This is a very large package and will take several minutes.


After the containers have finished downloading, they will automatically be created and then launched:


3. Launch the GridAPPS-D Platform

When all the containers are running, the terminal will move inside the docker enviroment, which has its own internal directories and path.

Start the GridAPPS-D platform inside the docker container by running



The GridAPPS-D platform is now installed and running.

To confirm, open localhost:8080 to access the GridAPPS-D Visualization App:


*Congratulations! You have successfully installed the GridAPPS-D Platform, and the GridAPPSD-Python development environment!*