Installing GridAPPS-D

This document is work in progress.


It is recommended to start with a linux platform such as Ubuntu and a ‘gridappsd’ user created. The bootstrap scripts should be run as root.

apt install -y git   (you may need to run apt update first)
git clone
cd Bootstrap
chmod a+x *.sh


If the bootstrap doesn’t work, or you wish to install manually you will need the following prerequisites.

apt upgrade -y (as root user)

GridAPPS-D Dependencies - Use apt install for the following dependencies

apt install -y vim git mysql-server automake default-jdk g++ gcc python python-pip libtool apache2 gradle nodejs-legacy npm

  • vim
  • Git
  • Mysql-server (I set the root pw as gridappsd1234)
  • Automake
  • Default-jdk
  • G++
  • Gcc
  • Python (v 2.x)
  • Python-pip
  • Libtool
  • Apache2
  • Gradle

Then apply the following pip installs

pip install –upgrade pip

pip install

  • pip install –upgrade pip
  • pip install

As well as the following npm packages

  • npm install -g express
  • npm install -g ejs
  • npm install -g typescript
  • npm install -g typings

The following structure should be set up to enable the run scripts to execute correctly.

  • Griddapps-project
  • builds/
  • sources/

You will also need to install FNCS and GridLAB-D



## Overview FNCS is the co-simulation engine used by GridAPP-D’s simulation manager class to facilitating real-time synchonization and message passing between the GridLAB-D simulation and the GOSS message bus.

## Source Code FNCS is maintained by PNNL. The repository is located at GridAPPS-D is using the latest release of FNCS which is v2.3.2.

## FNCS Documentation The documentation for FNCS is located at

## Building and Installing the Source ### Linux #### Prerequisites FNCS requires both the ZeroMQ and CZMQ libraries. For the purposes of the tutorial FNCS and it’s prerequisites will be installed a custom location refered to by $FNCS_INSTALL. All source code is downloaded to the $HOME directory.

```bash # download and install ZeroMQ :~$ wget # if you do not have wget, use # curl -O

# unpack zeromq, change to its directory :~$ tar -xzf zeromq-3.2.4.tar.gz :~$ cd zeromq-3.2.4

# configure, make, and make install :~/zeromq-3.2.4$ ./configure –prefix=$FNCS_INSTALL :~/zeromq-3.2.4$ make :~/zeromq-3.2.4$ make install

# download and install CZMQ :~/zeromq-3.2.4$ cd $HOME

:~$ wget # if you do not have wget, use # curl -O

# unpack czmq, change to its directory :~$ tar -xzf czmq-3.0.0-rc1.tar.gz :~$ cd czmq-3.0.0

# configure, make, and make install :~/czmq-3.0.0$ ./configure –prefix=$FNCS_INSTALL –with-libzmq=$FNCS_INSTALL :~/czmq-3.0.0$ make :~/czmq-3.0.0$ make install ```

#### Building FNCS In this tutorial FNCS source code will be downloaded using git to the $HOME directory. The code will be installed at t/FNCShe loacation $FNCS_INSTALL. ```bash # download FNCS :~$ git clone

# change to FNCS directory :~$ cd fncs

# configure, make, and make install :~/fncs$ ./configure –prefix=$FNCS_INSTALL –with-zmq=$FNCS_INSTALL :~/fncs$ make :~/fncs$ make install ```

#### Environment Setup In order for GridAPPS-D to be able to run FNCS and for GridLAB-D to be built with FNCS The following environment variables need to be setup: * $PATH must contain $FNCS_INSTALL/bin * $LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain $FNCS_INSTALL/lib


# GridLAB-D

## Overview

GridLAB-D is a steady-state Distribution System simulation tool. It solves full three phase unbalanced network power flows and provides highly detailed enduse load models. It is part of GridAPPS-D’s Simulation Engine. It serves for providing the real world distribution system environment for third party GridAPPS-D applications to monitor and control in real time.

## Source Code GridLAB-D is maintained by Pacific Northwest National Laboratories in GitHub. The repository is located at GridAPPS-D uses the 4.0 release which is in release candidate currently and located on branch release/RC4.0.

## GridLAB-D Documentation GridLAB-D’s Documentation is located at

## Building and Installing the Source ### Linux #### Prerequisites The following packages are needed in order to build GridLAB-D. `bash :~$ sudo apt-get install \ gcc \ g++ \ automake \ libtool \ git `

For GridAPPS-D GridLAB-D will need to be compiled with the FNCS shared Library so FNCS will need to be installed. For instructions on building and installing FNCS, please go [here](). For the purposes of this document the location of where you installed FNCS will be known as $FNCS_INSTALL.

#### Building GridLAB-D For the purposes of this instruction set, the location to where you download the repository will be known as $GLD_INSTALL. `bash #download the release/RC4.0 branch repository :$GLD_INSTALL$ git clone -b release/RC4.0 --single-branch #build and install xerces located in the third_party folder of the repository :$GLD_INSTALL$ cd gridlab-d/third_party :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party$ tar -xzf xerces-c-3.1.1.tar.gz :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party$ cd xerces-c-3.1.1 :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party/xerces-c-3.1.1$ ./configure :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party/xerces-c-3.1.1$ sudo make :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party/xerces-c-3.1.1$ sudo make install #build and install GridLAB-D with FNCS :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d/third_party/xerces-c-3.1.1$ cd ../../ :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d$ autoreconf -if :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d$ ./configure --prefix=$GLD_INSTALL/install --with-fncs=$FNCS_INSTALL --enable-silent-rules 'CFLAGS=-g -O0 -w' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O0 -w' 'LDFLAGS=-g -O0 -w' #before performing make. Make sure the envirionment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the path $FNCS_INSTALL/lib if it doesn't then it will need to be added to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d$ make :$GLD_INSTALL/gridlab-d$ install `

#### Environment Setup In order for GridAPPS-D to be able to run GridLAB-D The following environment variables need to be setup: * $PATH must contain $GLD_INSTALL/install/bin and $FNCS_INSTALL/bin * $GLPATH must contain $GLD_INSTALL/install/lib/gridlabd and $GLD_INSTALL/install/share/gridlabd * $CXXFLAGS must contain $GLD_INSTALL/install/share/gridlabd * $LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain $FNCS_INSTALL/lib


You will need to clone the GOSS-GridAPPS-D and viz repositories and build each

Activate Environment

You will need to populate the mysql database with the ieee8500 model


mysql -u root -p < gridappsd_mysql_dump.sql

Start Platform

To start the platform, open two terminal windows:

  • To start GridAPPS-D
    • cd gridappsd_project/sources/GOSS-GridAPPS-D
    • ./
  • To start the web vizualization


Testing information will be added later